Optimization of the Process of Starting the Mechanism for Changing the Departure of the Cargo in the Established Mode of Rotation of the Tower Crane / Loveikin, V. S., Romasevych, Yu. O., Loveikin, A. V., Khoroshun, A. S. (2022)
| International Applied Mechanics / Issue (2022, 58 (5))
Loveikin V. S., Romasevych Yu. O., Loveikin A. V., Khoroshun A. S. Optimization of the Process of Starting the Mechanism for Changing the Departure of the Cargo in the Established Mode of Rotation of the Tower Crane Download publication will be available after 11/01/2024 р., in 54 days
Cite: Loveikin, V. S., Romasevych, Yu. O., Loveikin, A. V., Khoroshun, A. S. (2022). Optimization of the Process of Starting the Mechanism for Changing the Departure of the Cargo in the Established Mode of Rotation of the Tower Crane. International Applied Mechanics, 58 (5), 109-123. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001371735 [In Ukrainian]. |