Diffraction Field and Radiation Force for a Bubble of Liquid in an Infinite Cylindrical Cavity with Another Liquid / Kubenko, V. D., Yanchevskyi, I. V. (2023)
| International Applied Mechanics / Issue (2023, 59 (3))
Kubenko V. D., Yanchevskyi I. V. Diffraction Field and Radiation Force for a Bubble of Liquid in an Infinite Cylindrical Cavity with Another Liquid Download publication will be available after 07/01/2025 р., in 152 days
Cite: Kubenko, V. D., Yanchevskyi, I. V. (2023). Diffraction Field and Radiation Force for a Bubble of Liquid in an Infinite Cylindrical Cavity with Another Liquid. International Applied Mechanics, 59 (3), 3-17. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001404010 [In Ukrainian]. |