Evolutionary pseudodifferential equations with smooth symbols in the S-type spaces / Horodetskyy̆, V., Petryshyn, R., Martyniuk, O. (2023)
| Ukrainian Mathematical Journal / Issue (2023, 75 (6))
Horodetskyy̆ V., Petryshyn R., Martyniuk O. Evolutionary pseudodifferential equations with smooth symbols in the S-type spaces Download publication will be available after 07/01/2025 р., in 100 days
Cite: Horodetskyy̆, V., Petryshyn, R., Martyniuk, O. (2023). Evolutionary pseudodifferential equations with smooth symbols in the S-type spaces. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 75 (6), 753-776. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001411047 [In Ukrainian]. |