From nickel ore to Ni nanoparticles in the extraction process: properties and application / Bahfie F., Manaf A., Astuti W., Nurjaman F., Prasetyo E., Triapriani Y., Susanti D. (2023)
web address of the page Progress in Physics of Metals А - 2019 / Issue (2023, Vol. 24, № 1)
Bahfie F., Manaf A., Astuti W., Nurjaman F., Prasetyo E., Triapriani Y., Susanti D. From nickel ore to Ni nanoparticles in the extraction process: properties and application
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Cite: Bahfie, F., Manaf, A., Astuti, W., Nurjaman, F., Prasetyo, E., Triapriani, Y., Susanti, D. (2023). Progress in Physics of Metals , 24 (1), 173-196 |