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Microbiological Journal
А - 2020 /
Issue (2023, Т. 85, № 3)
Mykhailyshyn H. I., Klumnyuk S. I., Spivak M. Ya., Sverstiuk A. S., Lazarenko L. M.
The Effect of Probiotic Therapy on the Vagina Microbiota and the Humoral Link of Immunity in Bacterial Vaginosis
Бібліографічний опис:
Mykhailyshyn H. I., Klumnyuk S. I., Spivak M. Ya., Sverstiuk A. S., Lazarenko L. M. The Effect of Probiotic Therapy on the Vagina Microbiota and the Humoral Link of Immunity in Bacterial Vaginosis. Microbiological journal. 2023. Т. 85, № 3. С. 32-47. URL: http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001466430