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Science and Innovation
А - 2018 /
Issue (2024, Vol. 20, № 3)
Rusanov A. V., Subotin V. H., Khoryev O. M., Lynnyk O. V., Bykov Yu. A., Korotaiev P. O., Ahibalov Ye. S.
Experimental Studies of Pressure Pulsations in Draft Tube Diff user of Pump-Turbine Models for Heads up to 200 m
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Rusanov, A. V., Subotin, V. H., Khoryev, O. M., Lynnyk, O. V., Bykov, Yu. A., Korotaiev, P. O., Ahibalov, Ye. S. (2024). Science and Innovation, 20 (3), 53-66 http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001472543