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The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal
А - 2019 /
Issue (2020, Vol. 92, № 5)
Rezaeinasab H., Habibi A., Nikbakht M., Rashno M., Shakerian S.
Changes in gene expression of lactate carriers (MCT1 and CD147) in cardiac muscle of diabetic male rats: the effect of dichloroacetate and endurance training
Бібліографічний опис:
Rezaeinasab H., Habibi A., Nikbakht M., Rashno M., Shakerian S. Changes in gene expression of lactate carriers (MCT1 and CD147) in cardiac muscle of diabetic male rats: the effect of dichloroacetate and endurance training. The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2020. Vol. 92, № 5. С. 111-119. URL: http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001479041