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Science and Innovation
А - 2018 /
Issue (2024, Vol. 20, № 4)
Мitina N. B., Zubareva I. M., Skliar T. V., Malinovska N. V., Sytar V. I., Kudriavthcev A. V.
The Influence of Microbial-Origin Growth Stimulators on the Development of Vermiculture
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Мitina, N. B., Zubareva, I. M., Skliar, T. V., Malinovska, N. V., Sytar, V. I., Kudriavthcev, A. V. (2024). Science and Innovation, 20 (4), 61-69 http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001486224