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Science and Innovation
А - 2018 /
Issue (2024, Vol. 20, № 5)
Chaika O. L., Kornilov B. V., Myravyova I. G., Moskalyna A. O., Lebid V. V., Ivancha N. G.
Prospects for the Use of Hydrogen and Hyd rogen-Containing Additives to Reduce CO2 Emissions and to Improve the Performance of Blast Furnace Smelting
Download publication will be available after 11/01/2025 - in 223 days
Chaika, O. L., Kornilov, B. V., Myravyova, I. G., Moskalyna, A. O., Lebid, V. V., Ivancha, N. G. (2024). Science and Innovation, 20 (5), 35-52 http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001495196