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Science and Innovation
А - 2018 /
Issue (2024, Vol. 20, № 6)
Skrypnychenko M. I., Nykyforuk O. I., Bilousova O. S., Stasiuk O. M., Fediaі N. O., Bilotserkivets’ O. H., Kuznetsova L. I.
Investment Attractiveness and Multiplier Effects for the National Economy from the Development of the Titanium Industry
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Skrypnychenko, M. I., Nykyforuk, O. I., Bilousova, O. S., Stasiuk, O. M., Fediaі, N. O., Bilotserkivets’, O. H., Kuznetsova, L. I. (2024). Science and Innovation, 20 (6), 48-66 http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001508549