Microbiological journal. 2023, 85 (6) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Microbiological Journal 2023. Issue 85 (6) |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Brovarska O. S., Varbanets L. D., Gladka G. V., Tashyrev O. B. Characteristics of Stenotrophomonas rhizophila Lipopolysaccharide, a Representative of Antarctica.
- Akereuke U. E., Onwuezobe I. A., Ekuma A. E., Edem E. N., Uko N. S., Okon R. S., Bawonda E. O., Ekpenyong E. N. Molecular Profile of Metallo-β-Lactamase Producing Bacterial Isolates from Clinical Samples; South-South Nigeria Perspective.
- Hrytseva N. G., Skivka L. M. Latent Infestation of Potato Tubers with Soft Rot and Ring Rot Pathogens under Changing Weather Conditions in Ukraine.
- Gudzenko O. V., Varbanets L. D., Avdiyuk K. V., Pasichnyk L. А. Proteolytic Activity of Bacillus Strains Isolated from Soil of Rice Agrocenosis.
- Reshetnikov M. V., Butsenko L. M., Pasichnyk L. A. Biological Properties of the Agent of Soryz Bacterial Spot in Ukraine.
- Bhatia S. A Simple, Rapid, and Highly Sensitive Magnetic Beads ELISA for Detection of SARS CoV-2 Antibodies (IgG) in Human Plasma Samples as a Point of Care Assay.
- Parkhomenko N. Y., Kurdish I. K. The Influence of the Complex Bacterial Preparation Azogran on Some Physiological-Biochemical Properties and Productivity of Potato Plants Infected by the Potato Virus X.
- Starovoitova S. O., Kishko K. M., Demchenko O. M., Bila V. V. Encapsulated Probiotic Microorganisms in Functional Food Products.
- Ahmed M. E., Al-Awadi A. Q., Abbas A. F. Focus on Synergistic Bacteriocin-Nanoparticles Enhancing Antimicrobial Activity Assay.