Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2007, 7)
Trush V. O., Domasevych K. V., Amirkhanov V. M. Novyi typ koordynatsii karbatsylamidofosfatnoho lihandu: budova ta vlastyvosti kompleksu sribla (I) z dymetyl-N-trykhloroatsetylamidofosfatom
Cite: Trush, V. O., Domasevych, K. V., Amirkhanov, V. M. (2007). Novyi typ koordynatsii karbatsylamidofosfatnoho lihandu: budova ta vlastyvosti kompleksu sribla (I) z dymetyl-N-trykhloroatsetylamidofosfatom. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 7, 147-152 [In Ukrainian]. |