інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Кибернетика и системный анализ
А - 2019 /
Випуск (2012, Т. 48, № 4)
Чикрий А. А., Раппопорт И. С.
Метод разрешающих функций в теории конфликтно-управляемых процессов
The paper is devoted to advanced research of the resolving-functions method concerning the theory of conflict-controlled processes. A key role is played by inverse Minkowski functionals, by means of which special multi-valued mappings and corresponding resolving functions, closely related to the parameters of the initial conflict-controlled process, are formed. A modern technique of the theory of multi-valued mappings is effectively used for the substantiation of game constructions and getting substantial result on their basis. The problems related to the properties of special multi-valued mappings and their selectors, which play a crucial role in proving the assertions, are brought into the foreground.
Бібліографічний опис:
Чикрий А. А., Раппопорт И. С. Метод разрешающих функций в теории конфликтно-управляемых процессов. Кибернетика и системный анализ. 2012. Т. 48, № 4. С. 40-64. URL: http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000232546