Про ендемiчнiсть зелених мiкроалмазiв Побужжя–Приднiстров'я / Квасниця В. М. (2016)

English  Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine    /     Issue (2016, 1)

Kvasnytsia V. M.
On the endemicity of green microdiamonds of the Pobuzhzhya–Prydnistrovya region

Kvasnytsia, V. M. (2016). On the endemicity of green microdiamonds of the Pobuzhzhya–Prydnistrovya region. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 1, 57-64. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000461003 [In Ukrainian].


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