Особливостi розподiлу механiчних полiв у пружному середовищi з тонким жорстким включенням у формi незамкненої сферичної оболонки / Тонкошкур Г. В. (2015)

English  Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine    /     Issue (2015, 10)

Tonkoshkur H. V.
On singularities of the distribution of mechanical fields in the elastic medium with a thin rigid insertion in the form of an unclosed spherical shell

Tonkoshkur, H. V. (2015). On singularities of the distribution of mechanical fields in the elastic medium with a thin rigid insertion in the form of an unclosed spherical shell. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 10, 32-39. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000461225 [In Ukrainian].


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