Механiчнi та триботехнiчнi властивостi детонацiйних покриттiв iз композицiйного матерiалу на основi карбiду титану–хрому / Коновал В. П., Акопян В. В., Костенко О. Д., Гальцов К. М., Мосiна Т. В. (2015)
| Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2015, 4)
Konoval V. P., Akopian V. V., Kostenko O. D., Haltsov K. M., Mosina T. V. Mechanical and tribotechnical properties of detonation coatings of a composite on the basis of Ti–Cr carbide
Cite: Konoval, V. P., Akopian, V. V., Kostenko, O. D., Haltsov, K. M., Mosina, T. V. (2015). Mechanical and tribotechnical properties of detonation coatings of a composite on the basis of Ti–Cr carbide. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 4, 77-82. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000462463 [In Ukrainian]. |