Прогнозування розвитку iнфаркту мiокарда у хворих на нестабiльну стенокардiю за змiнами жирнокислотного спектра фосфолiпiдiв мембран лiмфоцитiв / Лизогуб В. Г., Завальська Т. В., Брюзгіна Т. С., Богдан В. В., Жорнiченко Д. М. (2015)
| Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2015, 4)
Lyzohub V. H., Zavalska T. V., Briuzhina T. S., Bohdan V. V., Zhornichenko D. M. Prediction of the development of myocardial infarction in patients suffered from unstable stenocardia by changes in the fatty acid spectrum of lymphocyte membrane phospholipids
Cite: Lyzohub, V. H., Zavalska, T. V., Briuzhina, T. S., Bohdan, V. V., Zhornichenko, D. M. (2015). Prediction of the development of myocardial infarction in patients suffered from unstable stenocardia by changes in the fatty acid spectrum of lymphocyte membrane phospholipids. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 4, 150-155. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000462475 [In Ukrainian]. |