Resonant threshold two-photon e–e+ pair production onto the lowest Landau levels in a strong magnetic field / Dyachenko M. M., Novak O. P., Kholodov R. I. (2014)
інтернет-адреса сторінки: Ukrainian journal of physics А - 2018 / Випуск (2014, Vol. 59, № 9)
Dyachenko M. M., Novak O. P., Kholodov R. I. Resonant threshold two-photon e–e+ pair production onto the lowest Landau levels in a strong magnetic field
Cite: Dyachenko, M. M., Novak, O. P., Kholodov, R. I. (2014). Resonant threshold two-photon e–e+ pair production onto the lowest Landau levels in a strong magnetic field. Ukrainian journal of physics, 59 (9), 849-855. | Two-particle photodisintegration of 4He: 4He(gamma,d)d, 4He(gamma,p)T, 4He(gamma,n)3He / Koshchii O. E., Kuznietsov P. E. (2014)
інтернет-адреса сторінки: Український фізичний журнал А - 2018 / Випуск (2014, Т. 59, № 2)
Koshchii O. E., Kuznietsov P. E. Two-particle photodisintegration of 4He: 4He(gamma,d)d, 4He(gamma,p)T, 4He(gamma,n)3He
Cite: Koshchii, O. E., Kuznietsov, P. E. (2014). Two-particle photodisintegration of 4He: 4He(gamma,d)d, 4He(gamma,p)T, 4He(gamma,n)3He. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 59 (2), 195-202. |