Представление взвешенных псевдообратных матриц со смешанными весами через другие псевдообратные матрицы / Галба Е. Ф., Варенюк Н. А. (2018)

English  Cybernetics and Systems Analysis   /     Issue (2018, 54 (2))

Galba E.F., Vareniuk N.A.
Representing weighted pseudoinverse matrices with mixed weights in terms of other pseudoinverse matrices

The paper considers weighted pseudoinverse where both weighted matrices are symmetric and one of them is positive definite matrix and the other is nonsingular and indefinite. Formulas are obtained to represent these matrices in terms of the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse matrix and other weighted pseudoinverses. © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

Keywords: Moore–Penrose pseudoinverses, weighted pseudoinverses with mixed weights, weighted pseudoinverses with sign-indefinite weights, Cybernetics, Indefinite weights, Mixed weights, Nonsingular, Positive-definite matrices, Pseudo-inverse matrixes, Pseudo-inverses, Weighted pseudo inverse, Computer science

Galba E.F., Vareniuk N.A. (2018). Representing weighted pseudoinverse matrices with mixed weights in terms of other pseudoinverse matrices. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 54 (2), 17-25. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-018-0019-y http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000846634 [In Russian].


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