Анализ методов управления доменной плавкой на основе информации о форме и положении пластичной зоны / Муравьева И. Г., Иванча Н. Г., Белошапка Е. А., Вишняков В. И., Ермолина Е. П., Ходотова Н. Е. (2018)

English  Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy   /     Issue (2018, 32)

Muraveva I. G., Ivancha N. G., Beloshapka E. A., Vishnjakov V. I., Ermolina E. P., Khodotova N. E.
Analysis of the methods of management of the domain melt on the basis of information about the form and position of the cohesive zone

Muraveva, I. G., Ivancha, N. G., Beloshapka, E. A., Vishnjakov, V. I., Ermolina, E. P., Khodotova, N. E. (2018). Analysis of the methods of management of the domain melt on the basis of information about the form and position of the cohesive zone. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy, 32, 151-164. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000993221 [In Russian].


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