Держава як актор: до проблеми формування території Харкова (друга половина XVIII – початок XX ст.) / Нестеренко В. О. (2018)

English  Sumy Historical and Archival Journal   /     Issue (2018, 30)

Nesterenko V. O.
The State as an Actor: Due the Problem of the Formation Kharkiv Territory (Second Half of 18th – Begining of 20th Century)

Nesterenko, V. O. (2018). The State as an Actor: Due the Problem of the Formation Kharkiv Territory (Second Half of 18th – Begining of 20th Century). Sumy Historical and Archival Journal, 30, 12-20. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001032749 [In Ukrainian].


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