інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Mathematical modeling and computing
А - 2020 /
Випуск (2019, Vol. 6, Num. 1)
Lozynskyi O., Lozynskyi A., Paranchuk Y., Biletskyi Y.
Optimal control of the electrical mode of an arc furnace on the basis of the three-dimensional vector of phase currents
Lozynskyi, O., Lozynskyi, A., Paranchuk, Y., Biletskyi, Y. (2019). Optimal control of the electrical mode of an arc furnace on the basis of the three-dimensional vector of phase currents. Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 6 (1), 69-76. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001046794