К 90-летнему юбилею Е. Ф. Шнюкова — геолога дальнего плавания, начальника экспедиции 19-го рейса НИС "Академик Вернадский" в Индийский океан / Старостенко В. И. (2020)

English  Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean   /     Issue (2020, 16 (1))

Starostenko V. I.
To the 90th anniversary of Ye. F. Shnyukov — the marine geologist, head of the 19th voyage of RV "Academician Vernadsky" in the Indian Ocean

Starostenko, V. I. (2020). To the 90th anniversary of Ye. F. Shnyukov — the marine geologist, head of the 19th voyage of RV "Academician Vernadsky" in the Indian Ocean. Geology and Mineral Resources of World Ocean, 16 (1), 11-33. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001142406 [In Russian].


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