К тензорному анализу разрешимости задачи реализации билинейной системы второго порядка с запаздыванием / Лакеев А. В., Русанов В. А., Банщиков А. В. (2021)

English  International Scientific Technical Journal «Problems of Control and Informatics»   /     Issue (2021, 2)

Lakeev A. V., Rusanov V. A., Banshchikov A. V.
To a tensor analysis of the solvability of the problem of realization of a second-order bilinear system with delay

Lakeev, A. V., Rusanov, V. A., Banshchikov, A. V. (2021). To a tensor analysis of the solvability of the problem of realization of a second-order bilinear system with delay. International Scientific Technical Journal «Problems of Control and Informatics», 2, 79-92. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001241912 [In Russian].


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