інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Science and innovation
А - 2018 /
Випуск (2022, Vol. 18, № 4)
Zharkov I. P., Safronov V. V., Khodunov V. O., Konoval V. M., Palamarhuk I. P., Selivanov O. V., Solonetsky A. G., Aleynikov A. B., Virko S. V.
Creating equipment for low-temperature study of current-voltage characteristics and galvanomagnetic properties of semiconductor materials and structures in the field of an external magnet
Zharkov, I. P., Safronov, V. V., Khodunov, V. O., Konoval, V. M., Palamarhuk, I. P., Selivanov, O. V., Solonetsky, A. G., Aleynikov, A. B., Virko, S. V. (2022). Creating equipment for low-temperature study of current-voltage characteristics and galvanomagnetic properties of semiconductor materials and structures in the field of an external magnet. Science and Innovation, 18 (4), 72-84. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001363551