Science and innovation. 2022, 18 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2022. Вип. 4 |
- Тitle.
- Contents.
- Yegorov I. Yu., Gryga V. Yu., Ryzhkova Yu. O. Enabling the triple helix model through the implementation of smart specialization: the case of Ukraine. - C. 3-16.
- Iefymenko T. І., Lovinska L. H., Kucheriava M. V. Reforming the informational support of public administration within the wartime. - C. 17-24.
- Trofymchuk O. M., Nesterenko O. V. Method for designing analytical information systems for administrative management. - C. 25-40.
- Kunytska-Iliash M. V., Hrymak O. Y., Dubyna M. P., Zbarska A. V., Berezivskyi Y. P. Innovation- and technology-driven development of economy: strategic imperatives for realing a regional development capacity. - C. 41-54.
- Alpatov A. Р., Lapkhanov E. О. Designing the configuration and selecting the design parameters of drag systems for deorbiting spacecraft created by pivdenne design office. - C. 55-63.
- Molchanov L. S., Golub T. S., Synehin Ye. V., Semykin S. І. Physical model of influence of CaO-FeO-SiO2 powder fraction on the heat transfer from torch. - C. 64-71.
- Zharkov I. P., Safronov V. V., Khodunov V. O., Konoval V. M., Palamarhuk I. P., Selivanov O. V., Solonetsky А. G., Aleynikov A. B., Virko S. V. Creating equipment for low-temperature study of current-voltage characteristics and galvanomagnetic properties of semiconductor materials and structures in the field of an external magnet. - C. 72-84.
- Zaporozhets Y. M., Ivanov A. V., Kondratenko Y. P., Tsurkin V. M., Batechko N. G. Innovative system of computer modelling of multiphysics processes for controlled electrocurrent treatment of melts. - C. 85-105.
- Lavrich Yu. M., Plaksin S. V., Pogorila L. M. Innovative technologies for perspective information systems. - C. 106-119.
- Barabash T. M., Humeniuk I. O., Levytska L. V., Muza O. V. Innovative approaches to judicial modeling in the context of e-democracy: prospects for Ukraine. - C. 120-130.