інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Science and innovation
А - 2018 /
Випуск (2022, Vol. 18, № 4)
Zaporozhets Y. M., Ivanov A. V., Kondratenko Y. P., Tsurkin V. M., Batechko N. G.
Innovative system of computer modelling of multiphysics processes for controlled electrocurrent treatment of melts
Zaporozhets, Y. M., Ivanov, A. V., Kondratenko, Y. P., Tsurkin, V. M., Batechko, N. G. (2022). Innovative system of computer modelling of multiphysics processes for controlled electrocurrent treatment of melts. Science and Innovation, 18 (4), 85-105. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001363552