Підвищення швидкодії банківських систем кібербезпеки на основі інтелектуального аналізу даних та алгоритмів штучного інтелекту для прогнозування кібератак. Ч. 1 / Хиленко В., Ахметов Б., Бердибаєв Р., Лахно В., Харченко Ю., Вен-Ліанг Хванг, Хиленко В. мол. (2023)

English  Cybernetics and Systems Analysis   /     Issue (2023, 59 (4))

Khilenko V., Akhmetov B., Berdibayev R., Lakhno V., Harchenko Y., Hwang W.-L., Khylenko V.
Increasing the speed of banking cyber security systems based on intelligent data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms for predicting cyber attacks. P. 1

The increase in the speed and quality of the cybersecurity systems of banking institutions in the post-quantum era is considered. A mathematical apparatus for cyberattack prediction systems and an algorithm for choosing the moment for switching on the enhanced security mode are proposed. The possibility or organizing cyberattacks using neural networks and AI algorithms is taken into account. An example of the formation and analysis of a cluster of suspicious transactions using the Julia language is considered. © 2023, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

Keywords: clustering, cybersecurity of banking institutions, system of prediction and prevention of cyber attacks, threats of the post-quantum era, Cybersecurity, Network security, Artificial intelligence algorithms, Banking institutions, Clusterings, Cyber security, Cyber-attacks, Cybersecurity of banking institution, Intelligent data analysis, Post quantum, System of prediction and prevention of cybe attack, Threat of the post-quantum era, Forecasting

Download publication will be available after 10/01/2025 р., in 220 days

Khilenko V., Akhmetov B., Berdibayev R., Lakhno V., Harchenko Y., Hwang W.-L., Khylenko V. (2023). Increasing the speed of banking cyber security systems based on intelligent data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms for predicting cyber attacks. P. 1. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 59 (4), 12–19. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10559-023-00587-x http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001415720 [In Ukrainian].


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