Ukrainian journal of physics. 2013, 58 (8) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2013. Вип. 8 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Lengyel A., Tarics Z. Truncated QCD-pomeron at LHC energies. - C. 703-708.
- El-Bakry M. Y., El-Dahshan E.-S. A., Abd El-Hamied E. F. Charged particle pseudorapidity distributions for Pb−Pb and Au−Au collisions using neural network model. - C. 709-718.
- Skibenko A. I. UHF reflectometry of plasma by extraordinary waves with a frequency below the electron cyclotron frequency. - C. 719-724.
- Khelemelya O. V., Kholodov R. I., Miroshnichenko V. I. Dielectric model of energy losses by a massive charged particle moving through cold magnetized plasma. - C. 725-734.
- Nagornyi A. V, Bulavin L. A., Petrenko V. I., Avdeev M. V., Aksenov V. L. Sensitivity of small-angle neutron scattering method at determining the structural parameters in magnetic fluids with low magnetite concentrations. - C. 735-741.
- Pavlyk B. V., Kushlyk M. O., Didyk R. I., Shykorjak Y. A., Slobodzyan D. P., Kulyk B. Y. Electrophysical characteristics of near-surface layers in p-Si crystals with sputtered Al films and subjected to elastic deformation. - C. 742-747.
- Bondar M. V., Przhonska O. V., Kachkovsky O. D., Frazer A., Morales A. R., Belfield K. D. New fluorene-based fluorescent probe with efficient two-photon absorption. - C. 748-757.
- Verba R. V. Spin Waves in arrays of magnetic nanodots with magnetodipolar coupling. - C. 758-768.
- Rudenko R. M., Voitovych V. V., Kras’ko M. M., Kolosyuk A. G., Kraichynskyi A. M., Yukhymchuk V. O., Makara V. A. Influence of high temperature annealing on the structure and the intrinsic absorption edge of thin-film silicon doped with tin. - C. 769-772.
- Pagava T. A., Beridze M. G., Maisuradze N. I., Chkhartishvili L. S., Kalandadze I. G. Hall-effect study of disordered regions in proton-irradiated n-Si crystals. - C. 773-779.
- Kuryliuk V. V. Elastic strains in SiGe heterostructures with non-uniform quantum dots. - C. 780-786.
- Sukhanov A. D., Golubeva O. N., Bar’yakhtar V. G. Quantum-mechanical analog of the zeroth law of thermodynamics (to the problem of incorporating thermodynamics into the quantum-mechanical theory). - C. 787-796.
- The corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine Anatolii Mykolayovych Pogorilyi (to the 70-th anniversary of his birthday). - C. 797-799.
- Tan’shina A. Life devoted to science. Ilya Ivanovych Zalyubovs’kyi (15.06.1929−21.02.2013). - C. 800-801.