Mathematical modeling and computing. 2022, 9 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2022. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Abdul Sathar M. H., Rasedee A. F. N., Ramli N. A., Ishak N., Hamzah S. R., Matarneh E., Mohd S. M., Jan Md. N. A backward difference formulation for analyzing the dynamics of capital stocks. - C. 1-8.
- Alias I. A., Jaman K., Ibragimov G. Pursuit differential game of many pursuers and one evader in a convex hyperspace. - C. 9-17.
- Chong J. W., Tiong W. K., Labadin J., Sahak N. Mathematical modeling of Leptospirosis spread in Malaysia. - C. 18-25.
- Hassan S. U., Ali K. H. Robust bootstrap regression testing in the presence of outliers. - C. 26-35.
- Umair H., Zainuddin H., Chan K. T., Said Husain Sh. K. The evolution of geometric Robertson–Schrödinger uncertainty principle for spin 1 system. - C. 36-49.
- Noor N. A. M., Rahman N. H. A. Exponential smoothing constant determination to minimize the forecast error. - C. 50-56.
- Sawal A. S., Ibrahim S. N. I., Laham M. F. The valuation of knock-out power calls under Black–Scholes framework. - C. 57-64.
- Chua W. Y., Rahmin N. A. A., Nawawi A. Solving overbooking appointment scheduling problem under patient no-show condition using heuristics procedure and genetic algorithm. - C. 65-73.
- Yuldashev T. K., Eshkuvatov Z. K., Nik Long N. M. A. Nonlinear the first kind Fredholm integro-differential first-order equation with degenerate kernel and nonlinear maxima. - C. 74-82.
- Alias N. S., Hafidzuddin M. E. H. Effect of suction and MHD induced Navier slip flow due to a non-linear stretching/shrinking sheet. - C. 83-91.
- Khashi’ie N. S., Wahi N., Arifin N. M., Ghani A. A., Hamzah K. B. Effect of suction on the MHD flow in a doubly-stratified micropolar fluid over a shrinking sheet. - C. 92-100.
- Rasedee A. F. N., Jamaludin N. A., Najib N., Abdul Sathar M. H., Wong T. J., Koo L. F. Variable order step size method for solving orbital problems with periodic solutions. - C. 101-110.
- Ishak M. I., Marjugi S. M., June L. W. A new modified conjugate gradient method under the strong Wolfe line search for solving unconstrained optimization problems. - C. 111-118.
- Kuchma M. I., Gatalevych A. I. Triangular form of Laurent polynomial matrices and their factorization. - C. 119–129.
- Yavorska O., Bun R. Spatial analysis of COVID-19 spread in Europe using "center of gravity” concept. - C. 130-142.
- Musii R. S., Zhydyk U. V., Turchyn Ya. B., Svidrak I. H., Baibakova I. M. Stressed and strained state of layered cylindrical shell under local convective heating. - C. 143-151.
- Huzyk N., Pukach P., Sokil B., Sokil M., Vovk M. On the external and internal resonance phenomena of the elastic bodies with the complex oscillations. - C. 152-158.
- Kleshchonok V. V., Kashuba V. I., Andrievsky S. M., Gorbanev Yu. M. Surface structure and assessment of dust productivity of the cometary nucleus C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS). - C. 159-165.
- Yanishevskyi V. S., Baranovska S. P. Path integral method for stochastic equations of financial engineering. - C. 166-177.
- Kostrobij P. P., Markovych B. M., Ryzha I. A. Semi-infinite metallic system: QST versus DFT. - C. 178-185.