Mathematical modeling and computing. 2015, 2 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2015. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Chaplya Ye. Ya., Hayvas B. I., Torskyy A. R. Construction of the solution of the thermal-convective drying problem for porous solids in drying plants. - C. 1-15.
- Charkovska N. V., Bun R. A., Nahorski Z., Horabik J. Modelling GHG emissions in the mineral products industry in Poland: An uncertainty analysis. - C. 16-26.
- Dyachok V. V., Gaiduchok O. V. The construction of ecological and economical production function for energy dependent economics. - C. 27-32.
- Gera B. V., Dmytruk V. A. Obtaining and investigation of the conditions of heat transfer through inhomogeneous inclusion with heat sources. - C. 33-47.
- Konstantinov O. V., Limarchenko O. S., Semenovich K. O. Effect of combine motion on variation of resonance properties in liquid sloshing problems. - C. 48-57.
- Lytvynenko V., Smolarz A., Wójcik W., Ballester J., Kozhukhovskaya O., Gromaszek K. Optical combustion sensor data interpretation using hybrid negative selection algorithm with artifcial immune networks. - C. 58-70.
- Mashkov V. A., Mashkov O. A. Interpretation of diagnosis problem of system level self-diagnosis. - C. 71-76.
- Povstenko Yu. Thermal stresses in a long cylinder under Gaussian-distributed heating in the framework of fractional thermoelasticity. - C. 77-87.
- P’yanylo Ya. D., P’yanylo H. M., Vasiunyk M. Ye. Application of orthogonal polynomials for analysis of input numerical data in the problems of mass transfer. - C. 88-98.
- Solodyak M. Investigation of magnetomechanothermodiffusive processes in ferromagnetic body at given diffusing substance concentration on the surface. - C. 99-106.
- Zhuravchak L. M., Kruk O. S. Consideration of the nonlinear behavior of environmental material and a three-dimensional internal heat sources in mathematical modeling of heat conduction. - C. 107-114.