Ukrainian journal of physics. 2012, 57 (12) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2012. Вип. 12 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Fiore R., Jenkovszky L. L., Lavorini A., Magas V. K. On the interplay between Q2 and t dependences in exclusive diffractive production of real photons and vector mesons in ep collisions. - C. 1197-1204.
- Ahmad M. A., Ahmad S. Study of angular distribution and KNO scaling in the collisions of 28Si with emulsion nuclei at 14.6A GeV. - C. 1205-1213.
- Vakarchuk I. O., Pastukhov V. S., Prytula R. O. Theory of heat capacity of liquid helium-4 for temperatures above the critical point. - C. 1214-1222.
- Jakovenko J. V., Eliseev E. A., Svechnikov S. V., Morozovska A. N. Polarization and pyroelectric coefficients of antiferrodistortive boundaries: SrTiO3 as an example. - C. 1223-1230.
- Stadnyk V. Yo., Romanyuk M. O., Brezvin R. S. A new LiNH4SO4 crystal with an isotropic point. - C. 1231-1233.
- Kozynets’ O. V., Litvinenko S. V. Physical properties of sensor structures on the basis of silicon p−n junction with interdigitated back contacts. - C. 1234-1238.
- Rudko G. Yu., Dubrovin I. V., Klimovskaya A. I., Gule E. G., Lytvyn P. M., Lytvyn Yu. M., Turanska S. P. Structural and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanowires. - C. 1239-1243.
- Chuchman M. P., Mesarosh L. V., Shuaibov A. K. Dynamics of low-energy laser-produced tin plasma. - C. 1244-1249.
- Sizhuk A. S., Yezhov S. M. Relaxation of spatially uniform distribution function in the case on non-uniform energy distribution. - C. 1250-1256.
- Viznyuk A. V., Shtanov Yu. V. Scalar cosmological perturbations on the brane. - C. 1257-1270.
- Author’s index to the 57th volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics" for 2012. - C. 1271-1280.
- Subject index to the 57th volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics" for 2012. - C. 1281-1290.