Ukrainian journal of physics. 2013, 58 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2013. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Feoktistov A. I., Kupryashkin V. T., Sidorenko L. P., Lashko V. A. Energy distribution of electrons in the "zero-energy peak" induced by a radioactive decay or a target bombardment with charged particles. - C. 109-115.
- General A. A., Shpenik Yu. O. Modeling of gas discharge in water vapor. - C. 116-121.
- Gnatovskyy O. V., Negriyko A. M., Gnatovskyy V. O., Sidorenko A. V. Cross-correlation method for the formation of laser energy fields with complex distributions. - C. 122-125.
- Olikh O. Ya. Features of charge transport in Mo/n-Si structures with a Schottky barrier. - C. 126-134.
- Tomchuk P. M., Bondar V. M., Solonchuk L. S. Polarization dependences of terahertz radiation emitted by hot charge carriers in p-Te. - C. 135-141.
- Sachenko A. V., Kostylev V. P., Litovchenko V. G., Popov V. G., Romanyuk B. M., Chernenko V. V., Naseka V. M., Slusar T. V., Kyrylova S. I., Komarov F. F. Recombination characteristics of single-crystalline silicon wafers with a damaged near-surface layer. - C. 142-150.
- Kornienko M. E., Sheiko N. L., Kornienko O. M., Nikolaienko T. Yu. Discrete properties of quasiliquid water film in the ice premelting range. 1. Temperature dependences of water nanofilm thickness and viscoelastic properties of polycrystalline ice. - C. 151-162.
- Davidenko N. A., Kuznetsov G. V., Milovanov Yu. S. Cadmium sulfide−porous silicon nanocomposite structures. - C. 163-170.
- Podolyan O. M., Zaporozhets T. V., Gusak A. M. Pore evolution at reactive diffusion in spherical and cylindrical nanoparticles. - C. 171-181.
- Tkach M. V., Seti Yu. O. Theory of the properties of resonant-tunneling nanostructures as active elements of quantum cascade lasers and detectors. - C. 182-188.
- Melkov G. A., Slobodianiuk D. V. A strongly nonequilibrium state in magnetic nanodots at high pumping levels. - C. 189-194.
- Lisnyi B. M. Asymmetric diamond Ising−Hubbard chain with attraction. - C. 195-200.
- Bulavin L. A., Verbins’ka G. M., Gavryushenko D. A., Sysoev V. M., Solov’yov O. S., Cherevko K. V. Entropy production in the diffusion-driven regime of droplet evaporation. - C. 201-204.