Ukrainian journal of physics. 2014, 59 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2014. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kostjukov V. V., Miloserdova Yu. G., Shram O. A., Rubinson M. A., Evstigneev M. P. Dimerization energetics of DNA minor groove binders. - C. 461-472.
- Gomonai А. N., Hutych Yu. I., Gomonai A. I. Absolute cross-sections of s- and d-ionizations of In+ ions at their collisions with slow electrons. - C. 473-478.
- Liubysh O. O., Alekseev O. M., Tkachov S. Yu., Perepelytsya S. M. Effect of ionic ordering in conductivity experiments of DNA aqueous solutions. - C. 479-486.
- Bariakhtar I., Nazarenko A. A model for dx2 – y2 super-conductivity in the strongly correlated fermionic system. - C. 487-494.
- Lyaschuk Yu. M., Korotyeyev V. V. Interaction of a terahertz electromagnetic wave with the plasmonic system "grating–2D-Gas". Analysis of features of the near field. - C. 495-504.
- Tomchuk P. M., Bondar V. M., Levshin O. E. Influence of anisotropic scattering mechanisms on polarization dependences of terahertz radiation emitted by hot electrons. - C. 505-514.
- Stetsiv R. Ya., Stasyuk I. V., Vorobyov O. Energy spectrum and state diagrams of one-dimensional ionic conductor. - C. 515-522.
- Maksimenko L. S., Matyash I. Е., Mischuk О. N., Rudenko S. P., Serdega B. K., Stetsenko М. А. Spectral analysis of polarization characteristics of surface plasmon resonance in nanosized gold film. - C. 523-530.
- Sobol O. O. Variational method for the calculation of critical distance between two coulomb centers in graphene. - C. 531-540.
- Gorobets Yu. I., Kulish V. V. Dipole-exchange spin waves in a ferromagnetic nanotube. - C. 541-546.
- Lelyakov O. P., Karpenko A. S., Babadzhan R.-D. O. Scalar-field potential distribution for a closed "thick" null string moving in the plane z = 0. - C. 547-554.
- To the 80-th anniversary of professor V.I. Lengyel's birthday (1934–2000). - C. 555-556.