Ukrainian journal of physics. 2014, 59 (9) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2014. Вип. 9 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Dyachenko M. M., Novak O. P., Kholodov R. I. Resonant threshold two-photon e–e+ pair production onto the lowest Landau levels in a strong magnetic field. - C. 849-855.
- Kovalchuk V. A., Korchin A. Yu. Contribution of vector resonances to the CP-asymmetry of the neutral B-meson decay into a muon-antimuon pair and a neutral K*-meson. - C. 856-862.
- Mehraban H., Asadi A. Final state interaction effects in B0-D0D0 decay. - C. 863-873.
- Ovechkin V. S. Equation of state for a two-dimensional Coulomb gas. - C. 874-880.
- Bulavin L. A., Gotsulskiy V. Ya., Chechko V. E. Light scattering by aqueous solutions of alcohols near their singular points. - C. 881-883.
- Bondar V. M., Pylypchuk A. S., Bondarenko V. V. Effect of weak magnetic field on the parameters of terahertz radiation emitted by hot carriers in p-Ge. - C. 884-887.
- Stasyuk I. V., Dulepa I. R., Velychko O. V. Investigation of the bosonic spectrum of two-dimensional optical graphene-type lattices. Normal phase. - C. 888-900.
- Samoilenko S. O., Tretyak E. V., Kichanov S. E., Shevchenko G. P., Frolova E. V., Kozlenko D. P., Bulavin L. A., Malashkevich G. E., Savenko B. N. Neutron and optical researches of multicomponent crystalline Y3Al5O12:Ce3+/Lu2O3 and Lu3Al5O12:Ce3+/Lu2O3. - C. 901-905.
- Lysenkov E. A., Klepko V. V., Golovanets V. M., Demchenko V. L. Electric field effect on the percolative behavior of systems based on polyethylene glycol and carbon nanotubes. - C. 906-914.
- Kladko V. P., Gudymenko O. Y., Kriviy S. B., Litvin P. M., Kaganovich E. B., Krishchenko I. M., Manoilov E. G. Reflectometry study of nanoporous films with arrays of gold nanoparticles. - C. 915-921.
- Goliney I. Yu., Onykienko Ye. V. Resonant enhancement of molecular excitation intensity in inelastic electron scattering spectrum owing to interaction with plasmons in metallic nanoshell. - C. 922-931.
- Danylenko V. A., Skurativskyi S. I., Skurativska I. A. Asymptotic wave solutions for the model of a medium with Van der Pol oscillators. - C. 932-938.