Ukrainian journal of physics. 2014, 59 (12) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2014. Вип. 12 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Pasichnyi A. A., Prygodiuk O. A. Coulomb resonances, quasireal photons, and giant dipole resonance phenomenon. - C. 1133-1148.
- Mamuta A. D., Voitsekhovich V. S., Kachalova N. M., Golovko L. F., Ganul V. L., Zaitsev S. L., Kravchenko A. N. Influence of continuous and pulsed laser radiation on optical and thermal properties of biological tissues. - C. 1149-1154.
- Zhovtyansky V. A., Anisimova O. V. Kinetics of plasma chemical reactions producing nitrogen atoms in the glow discharge in a nitrogen–argon gas mixture. - C. 1155-1163.
- Klochko M. S., Syrkin E. S., Voinova M. V. Application of surface waves for studying the characteristics of gas-trapping sensors located on a solid surface. - C. 1164-1167.
- Neimash V. B., Goushcha A. O., Shepeliavyi P. E., Yukhymchuk V. O., Dan’ko V. A., Melnyk V. V., Kuzmich A. G. Mechanism of tin-induced crystallization in amorphous silicon. - C. 1168-1176.
- Simenog I. V., Grinyuk B. E., Kuzmenko M. V. On inefficiency of repulsive δ-potentials in multidimensional spaces. - C. 1177-1182.
- Zhyganiuk I. V., Malomuzh M. P. Nature of the frequency shift of hydrogen valence vibrations in water molecules. - C. 1183-1190.
- Tkach M. V., Seti Ju. O., Grynyshyn Ju. B. Influence of confined polarization phonons on the electron spectrum in the three-barrier active zone of a quantum cascade detector. - C. 1191-1200.
- Gandzha I. S., Sedletsky Yu. V., Dutykh D. S. HighOrder nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the envelope of slowly modulated gravity waves on the surface of finite-depth fluid and its quasi-soliton solutions. - C. 1201-1215.
- Author’s index to the 59th volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics" for 2014. - C. 1216-1226.
- Subject index to the 59th volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics" for 2014. - C. 1227-1235.