Ukrainian journal of physics. 2016, 61 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2016. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kakushadze Z. Quantization rules for dynamical systems. - C. 95-97.
- Zhovtyansky V. A., Anisimova O. V. Role of anode processes in glow discharge energetics. - C. 98-106.
- Kutsyk A. M., Obukhovsky V. V. Nonlinear diffusion in the liquid solution of diethyl ether with chloroform. - C. 107-116.
- Ledney M. F., Tarnavskyy O. S., Khimich V. V. Influence of dc electric field on the hysteresis of light-induced fréedericksz transition in a nematic cell. - C. 117-124.
- Ahmed A., Mal'nev V. N., Mesfin B. Microwaves in structured metamaterials: supeluminal, slow, and backward waves. - C. 125-133.
- Bzovska I. S., Mryglod I. M. Surface patterns at catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide. - C. 134-142.
- Neimash V., Dovbeshko G., Shepelyavyi P., Danko V., Melnyk V., Isaiev M., Kuzmich A. Raman scattering in the process of tin-induced crystallization of amorphous silicon. - C. 143-149.
- Bondar V. M., Tomchuk P. M. Polarization dependences of radiation emission by hot carriers in InSb. - C. 150-154.
- Freik D. M., Mudryi S. I., Gorichok I. V., Prokopiv V. V., Matkivsky O. M., Arsenjuk I. O., Krynytsky О. S., Bojchyk V. M. Thermoelectric properties of bismuth-doped tin telluride SnTe:Bi. - C. 155-159.
- Ushcats M. V., Ushcats S. J., Mochalov A. A. Virial coefficients of Morse potential. - C. 160-167.
- Hornetska M., Rovenchak A. Two-parameter modifications of anyonic statistics. - C. 168-177.
- Iakubovskyi D., Yushchenko S. Comptonization of cosmic microwave background by cold ultrarelativistic electron-positron pulsar wind and origin of ~130 GeV lines. - C. 178-180.
- Litovchenko V. G. A Nobel Prize-grade result. Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Vadym Evgenovych Lashkaryov: the outstanding Physicist of the 20-th century, the discoverer of a p-n-junction (to the 55-th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the NAS of Ukraine)). - C. 181-184.