Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics. 2016, 19 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics 2016. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Kulish M. R., Kostylyov V. P., Sachenko A. V., Sokolovskyi I. O., Khomenko D. V., Shkrebtii A. I. Luminescent converter of solar light into electrical energy. Review. - C. 229-247.
- Sorokin V. M., Kudryk Ya. Ya., Shynkarenko V. V., Kudryk R. Ya., Sai P. O. Degradation processes in LED modules. - C. 248-254.
- Kostiukevych K. V. Transducer based on surface plasmon resonance with thermal modification of metal layer properties. - C. 255-266.
- Doroshkevich A. S., Shylo A. V., Volkova G. K., Glazunova V. A., Perekrestova L. D., Lyubchik S. B., Konstantinova T. E. Formation of nanostructured state in LaBGeO5 monolithic glass using pulsed magnetic fields. - C. 267-272.
- Vlaskina S. I., Mishinova G. N., Vlaskin V. I., Rodionov V. E., Svechnikov G. S. Nanocrystalline silicon carbide films for solar cells. - C. 273-278.
- Milenin G. V., Red’ko R. A. Physical mechanisms and models of long-term transformations of radiative recombination in n-GaAs due to the magnetic field treatments. - C. 279-284.
- Kovalchuk O. V., Kovalchuk T. M., Kucheriavchenkova N. M., Sydorchuk V. V., Khalameida S. V. Multiferroic based on nematic liquid crystal and nanoparticles. - C. 285-289.
- Kuryptya Ya. A., Savchenko B. M., Kovalchuk O. V., Kovalchuk T. M., Shostak T. S. Peculiarities of near-electrode relaxation processes in the polyethylene melt filled with graphite and carbon black. - C. 290-294.
- Sukach A. V., Tetyorkin V. V., Tkachuk A. I. Electrical properties of InSb p-n junctions prepared by diffusion methods. - C. 295-298.
- Rusinchuk N. M., Lozovski V. Z., Shydlovska O. A., Zholobak N. M. Possible method for evaluation of virus, bacteria and yeasts infectivity by optical measurements. - C. 299-302.
- Bacherikov Yu. Yu., Okhrimenko O. B., Zhuk A. G., Kurichka R. V., Gilchuk A. V. Influence of the presence of a fluxing agent and its composition on the spectral characteristics of ZnS(Cu) obtained by self-propagating high- temperature synthesis. - C. 303-306.
- Studenyak I. P., Kutsyk M. M., Studenyak V. I., Bendak A. V., Izai V. Yu., Kus P., Mikula M. Structural, electrical and optical investigations of Cu6PS5 Br-based thin film deposited by HiTUS technique. - C. 307-310.
- Malenko A. S., Borovytsky V. N. Classic test Ronchi and its variants for quality control of various optical surfaces. - C. 311-314.
- Kardashev D. L., Kardashev K. D. Local vibrational density of states in disordered graphene. - C. 315-317.
- Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. - C. 318.