Ukrainian journal of physics. 2018, 63 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2018. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Afanasyev S. N. Total and differential cross-sections of 16O(γ, n)3Heα8Be0 reaction. - C. 3-10.
- Nagy E. A., Gedeon V. F., Gedeon S. V., Lazur V. Yu. Electron-Impact excitation of 51S – 51Po resonance transition in Sr atom. - C. 11-24.
- Skryshevski Yu. A., Vakhnin A. Yu. Ccomparisons of the efficiency of excitation energy transfer by singlet and triplet excitons in carbazolyl-containing polymers. - C. 25-32.
- Trubaieva O. G., Lalayants A. I., Chaika M. A. Band gap change of bulk ZnSxSe1 – x semiconductors by controlling the sulfur content. - C. 33-37.
- Kozinetz A. V., Skryshevsky V. A. Amorphous submicron layer in depletion region: new approach to increase the silicon solar cell efficiency. - C. 38-48.
- Strikha M. V., Kurchak A. I., Morozovska A. N. Influence of domain structure in ferroelectric substrate on graphene conductance (authors' review). - C. 49-69.
- Gorishnyi M. P., Verbitsky A. B. Donor-acceptor interaction in films of tetracene–tetracyanoquinodimethane heterostructures and composites. - C. 70-80.
- Tan’shyna A. Lev Landau. Ukraine, Kharkiv, UPTI. - C. 81-92.