Ukrainian journal of physics. 2018, 63 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2018. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Baran J., Davydova N. A., Drozd M., Ponezha E. A., Rezni-chenko V. Ya. Spectroscopic and thermal analyses of ortho-benzylphenol crystalline polymorphism. - C. 95-101.
- Gnatenko Kh. P., Tkachuk V. M. Length in a noncommuta-tive phase space. - C. 102-109.
- Litovko I. V., Dobrovolsky A. N., Naiko L. V., Naiko I. V. A new type of plasma accelerator with closed electron drift. - C. 110-115.
- Bulavin L. A., Nagorna T. V., Kyzyma O. A., Chudoba D., Ivankov O. I., Nagornyi A. V., Avdeev M. V. Fullerene clustering in C70/N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone/toluene liquid system. - C. 116-120.
- Malomuzh M. P., Makhlaichuk V. M. Dimerization degree of water molecules, their effective polarizability, and heat capacity of saturated water vapor. - C. 121-133.
- Hetalo A. M., Rudenko O. P., Khorolskyi O. V., Samoilenko S. O., Bulavin L. A. Temperature dependence of the bulk elasticity modulus of aliphatic alcohols and their fluorinated analogs. - C. 134-137.
- Stula Yu. Physical nature of relaxation time in aqueous alcoholic solutions. - C. 138-143.
- Khorolskyi O. V. Effective radii of macromolecules in dilute polyvinyl alcohol solutions. - C. 144-149.
- Myhal V. M., Derzhko O. V. Wetting under electromagnetic resonance irradiation. - C. 150-155.
- Semikina T. V. Fabrication of CdS/CdTe solar cells by quasiclosed space technology and research of their properties. - C. 156-167.
- Morozovska A. N., Scherbakov C. M., Glinchuk M. D. Dependence of soft phonon spectra on flexoelectric coupling in ferroelectrics. - C. 168-173.
- Dzyublik A. Ya., Slisenko V. I., Mykhaylovskyy V. V. Symmetric laue diffraction of spherical neutron waves in absorbing crystals. - C. 174-181.
- Gemechu N., Abebe T. Structural characterization and thickness profile of pulsed laser-deposited KY3F10: Ho3+ thin films. - C. 182-186.