Ukrainian journal of physics. 2019, 64 (5) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2019. Вип. 5 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Aygun M. Effects of proximity potentials on the cross-sections of 6,8He + 65Cu halo fusion reactions. - C. 363-370.
- Rode G. G. Propagation of the measurement error and the measured mean of a physical quantity for elementary functions ax and loga x. - C. 371-379.
- Kovtun Yu. V., Skibenko A. I., Skibenko E. I., Siusko Ye. V. Specific features of microwave methods for dusty plasma diagnostics. I. Dielectric permittivity, refractive and absorption indices. - C. 380-391.
- Vishnyakov V. I., Kiro S. A., Oprya M. V., Chursina O. D., Ennan A. A. Formation of particles in welding fume plasmas: Numerical modeling and experiment. - C. 392-405.
- Skryshevski Yu.A., Vakhnin A.Yu. Peculiarities of the energy transfer of electronic excitation in carbazole-containing polymers. - C. 406-414.
- Shmid V., Podolian A., Nadtochiy A., Korotchenkov O., Romanyuk B., Melnik V., Popov V., Kosulya O. Photoelectric properties of SiGe films covered with amorphous- and polycrystalline-silicon layers. - C. 415-424.
- Bondar N. V., Brodyn M. S., Tverdokhlibova O. V., Matveevskaya N. A., Beynik T. G. Influence of a capping ligand on the band gap and excitonic levels in colloidal solutions and films of ZnSe quantum dots. - C. 425-433.
- Melnichuk O. V., Melnichuk L. Yu., Korsunska N. O., Khomenkova L. Yu., Venger Ye. F. Optical and electrical properties of Tb–ZnO/SiO2 structure in the infrared spectral interval. - C. 434-441.
- Makarenko O. V., Poperenko L. V., Zavalistyi O. I., Yampolskiy A. L. Ellipsometric diagnostics of a transient surface layer in optical glass. - C. 442-447.