Ukrainian journal of physics. 2021, 66 (7) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2021. Вип. 7 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Abebe T., Gashu Ch. Generation of entangled light from a nondegenerate three-level laser coupled to a two-mode vacuum reservoir. - C. 551-561.
- Al-Adamat K. M., El-Nasser H. M. Characterization of Cobalt phthalocyanine thin film on silicon substrate using spectroscopic ellipsometry. - C. 562-569.
- Gessesse M. M. Interaction of two-level atoms with a single-mode quantized radiation field. - C. 570-581.
- Najam L. A., Abood S. N., Al-Jomaily F. M. A. Configuration mixing for Po isotopes within the interacting Boson model-2. - C. 582-587.
- Kumar A., Ojha D. P. Studies of thermodynamical and electronic transport properties of Na–Sn alloy. - C. 588-594.
- Sobko B. Yu. Relationship between the parameters of the second virial coefficient of non-abelian anyons and the two-parametric fractional statistics. - C. 595-600.
- Vakhnenko O. O. Coupled nonlinear dynamics in the three-mode integrable system on a regular chain. - C. 601-611.
- Lytovchenko V. G., Fedorenko L. L., Korbutyak D. V., Strikha M. V. Ordered electron-hole condensate as a perspective laser 2D environment at room temperatures. - C. 612-618.
- Malysheva L. I. Analytic analysis of electronic and transport properties of finite polyenes. - C. 619-624.
- Strikha M. V., Kurchak À. Fundamental limits for the MOSFET conduction channel length taking the real profile of the barrier potential into account. - C. 625-629.
- Yakovkin I. N. Surface and interface bands of the CdTe–HgTe–CdTe heterostructure: Evidence of metallicity. - C. 630-634.
- Bulavin L. A., Tomchuk O. V., Nagornyi A. V., Soloviov D. V. High-pressure reorganization of the fractal pore structure in detonation nanodiamond powders. - C. 635-639.