Methodological aspects of the financial guarantee of warning and liquidation of the extraordinary situations of the natural and technogenic nature / Kolmakova, V. M. (2012)
| Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development / Issue (2012, 2012)
Kolmakova V. M. Methodological aspects of the financial guarantee of warning and liquidation of the extraordinary situations of the natural and technogenic nature
Cite: Kolmakova, V. M. (2012). Methodological aspects of the financial guarantee of warning and liquidation of the extraordinary situations of the natural and technogenic nature. Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2012, 134-138. [In Ukrainian]. | Influence of the polarization of molecules of metal oxides on the diffusion coefficient in smoky plasmas / Dragan, G. S., Kolesnikov, K. V., Ulianytskyi, V. M. (2014)
web address of the page Ukrainian Journal of Physics А - 2018 / Issue (2014, Т. 59, № 4)
Dragan G. S., Kolesnikov K. V., Ulianytskyi V. M. Influence of the polarization of molecules of metal oxides on the diffusion coefficient in smoky plasmas
Cite: Dragan, G. S., Kolesnikov, K. V., Ulianytskyi, V. M. (2014). Influence of the polarization of molecules of metal oxides on the diffusion coefficient in smoky plasmas. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 59 (4), 401-404. |