Photosensitivity and current flow mechanism in p-CdTe-SiO2-Si heterostructures with deep impurity levels / Zhuraev, N., Khalilov, M., Otazhonov, S., Alimov, N. (2017)
| Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering / Issue (2017, 2 (1))
Zhuraev N., Khalilov M., Otazhonov S., Alimov N. Photosensitivity and current flow mechanism in p-CdTe-SiO2-Si heterostructures with deep impurity levels
Cite: Zhuraev, N., Khalilov, M., Otazhonov, S., Alimov, N. (2017). Photosensitivity and current flow mechanism in p-CdTe-SiO2-Si heterostructures with deep impurity levels. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 2 (1), 26-29. [In Russian]. |