Effect of the phase state on the mutual solubility of nanostructured water and sucrose / Krupskaja, T. V., Borisenko, N. V., Turov, V. V. (2017)
| Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine / Issue (2017, 12)
Krupskaja T. V., Borisenko N. V., Turov V. V. Effect of the phase state on the mutual solubility of nanostructured water and sucrose
Cite: Krupskaja, T. V., Borisenko, N. V., Turov, V. V. (2017). Effect of the phase state on the mutual solubility of nanostructured water and sucrose. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine , 12, 83-89. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000867460 [In Russian]. |