Quality control of welded structures based on a system of inspection and technological regulation of their fabrication, in keeping with the requirements to DSTU ISO 9001:2015 / Bondarenko, Yu. K., Potapievskyi, A. H., Artiukh, K. O., Lohinova, Yu. V. (2021)
| Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing / Issue (2021, 3)
Bondarenko Yu. K., Potapievskyi A. H., Artiukh K. O., Lohinova Yu. V. Quality control of welded structures based on a system of inspection and technological regulation of their fabrication, in keeping with the requirements to DSTU ISO 9001:2015
Cite: Bondarenko, Yu. K., Potapievskyi, A. H., Artiukh, K. O., Lohinova, Yu. V. (2021). Quality control of welded structures based on a system of inspection and technological regulation of their fabrication, in keeping with the requirements to DSTU ISO 9001:2015. Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing, 3, 37-43. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001285629 [In Ukrainian]. |