Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2023, 14 (3) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Chemistry, physics and technology of surface 2023. Issue 14 (3) |
- Gun'ko V. M., Sementsov Yu. I., Andriyko L. S., Nychyporuk Yu. M., Oranska O. I., Matkovsky O. K., Grebel'na Yu. V., Charmas B., Skubiszewska–Zięba J., Kartel M. T. 2D–nanostructured carbons: effects of oxidation and packing disordering.
- Eremenko А. M., Petrik I. S., Rudenko A. V. Targeted requirements for biomedical nanomaterials based on dispersed oxides and textiles modified with metal NPs.
- Vityuk N. V., Eremenko A. M., Rusinchuk N. M., Lozovski V. Z., Lokshyn M. M., Lysenko V. S., Mukha Iu. P. Formation and stability of gold nanoparticles in colloids prepared by citrate method.
- Influence of surface steroid groups on sorption of salts of bile acids by mesoporous organosilicas.
- Interaction of rivanol with molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sorbed onto nanocrystalline titania surface.
- Thermodynamics of the ion exchange of Ca2+ and Sr2+ cations on Na-form of natural clinoptilolite.
- Research of toxic behavior of copper nanoparticles: effect on electrosurface and biochemical parameters of bacterial cells.
- Pokytnii S. I., Terets A. D. Optical absorption by titanium dioxide nanocrystals.
- Karachevtseva L. A., Kartel M. T., Sementsov Yu. I., Lytvynenko O. O., Sapelnikova O. Yu. Hong-Ou-Mandel quantum effect on "expanded graphite-CNTs" composites.
- Zolotarenko Ol. D., Rudakova E. P., Zolotarenko An. D., Shvachko N. A., Akhanova N. Y., Ualkhanova M., Schur D. V., Lavrenko V. A., Gabdullin M. T., Zhirko Yu. I., Zolotarenko A. D., Tarasenko Yu. O., Chymbai M. V., Havryliuk O. O. Synthesis of Ni and Cu nanopowders by electrolysis.
- Solid-phase synthesis of MINi2MIV(PO4)3 compounds (МI – Li, Na, K; MIV – Ti, Zr, Sn).
- New magnesium intermetallic compounds are promising, reliable, reversible hydrogen accumulators.
- Dry water fire extinguishing agents with bentonite.