Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2020, 92 (4) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2020. Issue 92 (4) |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Labudzynskyi D. O., Shymanskyi I. O., Lisakovska O. O., Mazanova A. O., Natrus L. V. , Veliky M. M. Vitamin D3 regulates hepatic VEGF-A and apelin expression in experimental type 1 diabetes.
- Mazur H. M., Merlavsky V. M., Manko B. O., Manko V. V. mPTP opening differently affects electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation at succinate and NAD-dependent substrates oxidation in permeabilized rat hepatocytes.
- Horak I. R., Latyshko N. V., Hudkova O. O., Kishko T. O., Khudiakova O. V., Gerashchenko D. S., Skaterna T. D., Krysiuk I. P., Shandrenko S. G., Drobot L. B. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 affects redox balance in breast cancer cells.
- Pogribna A. P., Grom M. Y., Sokol I. V., Berestoviy V., Govsieiev D. O. Both maternal and newborn IgMs inhibit influenza virus-induced hemagglutination in vitro.
- Tsymbalyuk O. V., Veselsky S. P., Naumenko A. M., Davydovska T. L., Voiteshenko I. S., Сhyzh I. I., Skryshevsky V. A. ТiО2 hepatotoxicity under long-term administration to rats.
- Finiuk N. S., Ivasechko I. I., Klyuchivska O. Yu., Kuznietsova H. M., Rybalchenko V. K., Stoika R. S. Cytotoxic action of maleimide derivative 1-(4-Cl-benzyl)-3-chloro-4-(CF3-phenylamino)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione toward mammalian tumor cells and its capability to interact with DNA.
- Anyasor G. N., adekanye O. O., Adeyemi O. T., Osilesi O. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Corchorus olitorius leaves as a supplement on rats with alloxan-induced diabet.
- Kopylchuk G. P., Ivanovich I. Y., Voloshchuk O. M. Peculiarities of ammonia metabolism in the liver of rats under the conditions of different nutrients content in a diet.
- Gahramanova M., Khalilova I., Omarov A., Susak Ya., Rudyk M., Skivka L. Anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects of polyherbal composition in patients with chronic cholecystitis.
- Gudzenko О. V., Varbanets L. D., Seifullina І. I., Chebanenko E. А., Martsinko E. Е., Аfanasenko Е. V. The influence of coordinative tartrate and malatogermanate compounds on the activity of α-L-rhamnosidase preparations from Penicillium tardum, Eupenicillium erubescens and Cryptococcus albidus.
- Zolotareva Е. K., Khomochkin A. P., Onoiko O. B. Sulfonamides influence on the activity of thylakoid ATPase isolated from spinach chloroplasts.
- Аbdulinа D. R., Iutynska G. O., Purish L. M Fatty acid composition of sulfate-reducing bacteria isolated from technogenic ecotopes.
- Nuzhyna N. V., Gaidarzhy M. M., Holubenko A. V. Crassula genus plants response to temperature stress depends on anatomical structure and antioxidant system.
- Brovarets’ O. O., Hovorun D. M. Tautomeric hypothesis: to be or not to be? Quantum-mechanical verdict.
- The contribution of Nobel prize laureates to research of the protein structure: J. Sumner, J. Northrop, W. Stanley, L. Pauling, F. Sanger, M. Perutz, J. Kendre.
- Danylova T. V., Komisarenko S. V. Standing on the shoulders of giants: James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and the birth of molecular biology.
- The to 70th birthday of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S. O. Kosterin.