інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics
А - 2019 /
Випуск (2011, Vol. 14, № 2)
Dvoynenko M. M., Kazantseva Z. I., Strelchuk V. V., Kolomys O. F., Bortshagovsky E. G., Venger E. F.
Probing plasmonic system by the simultaneous measurement of Raman and fluorescence signals of dye molecules
Dvoynenko, M. M., Kazantseva, Z. I., Strelchuk, V. V., Kolomys, O. F., Bortshagovsky, E. G., Venger, E. F. (2011). Probing plasmonic system by the simultaneous measurement of Raman and fluorescence signals of dye molecules. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics , 14 (2), 195-199. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000349494