Плитово-плюмовая тектоника как единый механизм геодинамического развития тектоносфери Украины и смежных регионов / Гинтов О. Б. (2019)

English  Geophysical journal   /     Issue (2019, 41 (6))

Gintov O. B.
Plate-plume tectonics as an integrated mechanism of geodynamic development of the tectonosphere of Ukraine and adjacent regions

Gintov, O. B. (2019). Plate-plume tectonics as an integrated mechanism of geodynamic development of the tectonosphere of Ukraine and adjacent regions. Geophysical journal, 41 (6), 3-34. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001085304 [In Russian].


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